Working with Kate Keefe

Developing insight and enabling change

Kate brings a warm, empathetic and informed view to her work as an Executive Coach and Contemplative coach. For some time, Executive Coaching focused on leadership performance and skills, goals and change management, whilst not ignoring the importance of these, Executive Coaching now embraces the wider set of responsibilities leaders and managers face in the workplace. This includes ‘a duty of care’ for employee wellbeing, as well as creatively and consciously leaders managing employee health and emotional and social intelligence.

Contemplative Coaching is an offer open to all and draws from Kate’s training in Somatic coaching, Mindfulness, Carmelite spirituality, and Compassionate Conversations. It utilises the client’s inner resources of attention, intention, energy for physical, emotional and mental health. It recognises the core life energy of individuals and its connection to a universal energy or source.

Through building awareness through various practices and articulating their story, clients begin to reflect upon how they live and embody their stories, enabling them to begin to build new stories which bring about a change and development in relationship to themselves, others and the world.


Kate’s approach is flexible and led by your needs. You commit session by session. Kate does not ask you to sign up to a package of coaching in advance.

Kate will explore what would work practically for you. Your objectives, diary and budget will determine the frequency and the timescale of sessions. The first session is 1.5 hours and thereafter either one or one and a half hour sessions. Urgent issues that may arise can be addressed by booking half-hour speed coaching sessions. You can opt out at any time. Interim email contact if needed is available.

To fit in with client diaries Kate works some early mornings and evenings as well as 3 days a week office hours.

Kate works on Zoom, face to face sessions can be booked if that is workable. Sometimes some work in-between sessions is proposed.

    • Via Zoom

    • Face-to-face in Oxfordshire, London, or other mutually agreed locations

    • Women Leaders - Executive coaching

    • Leaders in the Construction industry

    • Headteachers and CEO of Academy Trusts

    • School leadership teams

    • Catholic leaders

    • Catholic Headteachers and their senior or middle leader teams

    • Coaching older adolescents school students and adult students who are neuro diverse.

    • Parents of Neuro-diverse students

    • Contemplative coaching and compassionate conversations

Developing insight and enabling change

If you are looking for a supportive, compassionate, challenging, and experienced coach

Why not work with Kate?